The Obstacle Run

What is The Obstacle Run?

Hinder Water Ladder
Hinder Net Wall

The Obstacle Run is an obstacle course race held in an urban environment. The main race is approximately 8 kilometers long and consists of over 40 obstacles. There are two different classes to participate in: Competition Class and Run for fun. This means the race is suitable for both seasoned elite runners and those who have never tried an obstacle course before.

A family race is also organized, where adults and children take on a course of approximately 3 kilometers with over 20 obstacles.

Find the right class

Competition class

The competitive class is for those who have run OCR races before and want to collect ranking points. Here, the rules are stricter, and some obstacles are tougher.

Hinder Under and under

Run for fun

Run for Fun is for those who want a truly fun challenge. Feel free to run together with your friends and colleagues and help each other overcome the obstacles on the course.


In the family race, adults and children run together. It is allowed to help each other along the course. We want to encourage the joy of movement and create a perfect opportunity to make wonderful memories!