The Obstacle Run


Sustainability policy

Public health

We create an inclusive event that offers the opportunity to participate based on individual abilities, through various distances and categories.

We offer a family race where adults and children can run together, inspire and help each other.

Our event provides a sufficiently challenging experience to boost motivation for year-round training among all registered participants.

Loppets bansträckning planeras centralt i städer så det även blir tillgängligt för publik att uppleva evenemanget och förhoppningsvis ska även de bli inspirerade till mer rörelse i vardagen.

Social sustainability issues

We are an inclusive event for everyone, actively working on this through marketing, social media, and internal efforts with our staff.

Through contributions from local partners, we keep the registration cost for the family run low, enabling more people to participate.

We convey a positive message on social platforms aimed at inspiring more movement in everyday life, without focusing on body ideals or outdated norms.

Reduced environmental impact

We collaborate with the local business community to reduce transportation related to the setup and teardown of the event.

We encourage participants to carpool, use public transportation, or cycle to the event which is possible due to the event's central location.

The marketing of the event is primarily targeted at the local area and Västsverige, but also to larger geographic areas, but always within Sweden.

We strive for sustainable resource use and use our influence to raise awareness about sustainability issues among staff, participants, and the audience.

Local collaboration

We primarily work with local partners, which benefits the local job market and reduces environmental impact through shorter transportation distances.

Through collaborations with local accommodations and restaurants, we can offer participants discounts, encouraging them to stay longer and benefiting the local tourism industry.

Seasonal extension

The event is held after the summer, contributing to more visitors during a period that otherwise has fewer visitors in the area.

By organizing the race on both Saturday and Sunday, we create an opportunity for more families to book accommodation in connection with the event.

We inform participants and their companions about other things to see and do in the area, encouraging them to explore more and stay longer.

Our thoughts about sustainability

The Obstacle Run works to be a sustainable event by promoting better public health, reducing environmental impact, and addressing social sustainability issues.

Our focus is primarily on what we do best: improving public health by motivating people to engage in physical activity.

We are constantly developing our company and striving to find more ways for The Obstacle Run to become as sustainable an event as possible.